Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Renewing Our Visas for the 3rd Time

We just got back from Sochi and what a tireing ride that one ones. Tomorrow we leave at 5 for Rostov, 4 hrs. stay at Pres. Harrisons and leave Tues am for Kiev, to activate our new visas, get back on a plane and go back to Rostov. Stay there and come home on Wed. am. Sat. is Zone Conf. here. Next Wed. we go back to Rostov for a meeting with Pres. Harrison and the other sr.couples,and have a welcome party for the new sr. couple. They are assigned to Volgograd.

We had a very long 40 hr. visa trip. To make it short, we spent 8 hrs. on 2 trains, 10 hrs. on 4 planes, 8 hrs. at Pres. Harrisons in 2 nights time, 14 hrs. waiting and changing at air terminals in 4 airports, but acutally only 2 different airports two times each. When we entered the Kiev, Ukraine airport,we went thru passport check, walked over to the waiting area and exchanged our one passport/visas we checked in with and exchanged them with Elder Ortega, who was with us, with our newest passport/visas, and turned around and got on the same plane we came in on. Now, tell me that that is not confusing? Our next one should be less traveling, as we probably go to Armania and fly right from here. If you have the church news, the new Mission pres. is announce in it for here and his picture. He starts in July. We are doing just great, and hope you all are doing as well, if not better. Love Mom and Dad

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